Mindfulness Note | The Infinite Mindset

Joe Bayen
2 min readJan 22, 2021

Simon Sinek’s infinite game theory inspired today’s message. I highly recommend watching him describe his concept in the following Youtube Video.

The general concept is based on developing corporations that are built to last, such as Apple. And it happens when, as a unit, we make conscious decisions centered around benefiting our userbase rather than focusing on short-term gains. That is the fundamental reason we will soon shift our focus toward delivering enough subscription discounts to our users to offset our premium memberships’ cost.

Below, you will find the five core infinite game principles which enable companies to play the infinite game effectively. I contrasted how we are currently fairing and the behaviors we should ideally mimic to build a company to last.

1. Just Cause: Grow is a Financial Inclusion Initiative

2. Trusting Teams: We’ve assembled a team that we can fully trust to execute our mission

3. Worthy Rivals: As a unit, we compete against ourselves by doubling our efforts when things are going well, and by practicing patience and calm resolve while facing tough challenges.

4. Existential Flexibility: We’ve demonstrated our ability to pivot our model at the right times, we have a clear vision, but we don’t mind adjusting our strategies to reach our end goals.

5. Courage to Lead: We never give up.

Simon Sinek also raised the question about what it means to live an infinite life. I personally believe that Chuck Feeney, the former billionaire cofounder of retail giant Duty-Free Shoppers, who recently completed the process of giving all his money to charity, is living an authentic infinite life. You can read more about his journey in the following Forbes article.

Let’s keep pushing.



Joe Bayen
Joe Bayen

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