Mindfulness Note | Growth Mindset & The Power of Anticipation

Joe Bayen
1 min readFeb 14, 2021


One of the most powerful habits detailed by Stephen R. Covey in his highly influential book entitled The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People revolved around the importance of approaching our goals by beginning with the end in mind.

On a similar topic, Tony Robins described the power of anticipation as the ultimate competitive advantage.

One concept describes the importance of having a clear, definite vision to achieve our goals, while the other focuses on the importance of remaining agile, vigilant, and aware of our surroundings and market changes. Those are all key traits that are necessary to maintaining a growth mindset, which is critical for helping us maintain our positive momentum.

At the growth level, we’ve applied the concept of starting with the end in mind by identifying that to reach 1M users over the next 6 months would require a velocity of 5K credit cards daily. With that understanding, we are progressively layering marketing channels weekly that will add up to that figure and beyond.

Let’s keep pushing.

